Unwavering Devotion: Tearful Dog Refuses to Abandon Owner's Grave, Stays Until Nightfall


Unwavering Devotion: Tearful Dog Refuses to Abandon Owner's Grave, Stays Until Nightfall

For a long time, in our lives, dogs are not only animals but also act as loyal friends. They accompany us, even with emotions and love like a real person.

The dog Jenky in the story below is a good example. Since the owner died, Jenky also seems to be aware of that and has very special actions.

Jenny and the owner are extremely close to each other.
Jenny and the owner are extremely close to each other.

Since the owner’s death, the dog has been sad, hiding around the closet all day

Recently, on social networks, the account Nathan Phan (Thien Khanh) has just posted a story about Jenky – a dog, also a relative that he loves very much. According to what the guy shared, recently he and his “child” Jenky went together to visit the grave of his mother, who was once raised, and is extremely close to Jenky.

Thien Khanh and her pet dog visit her mother's grave.
Thien Khanh and her pet dog visit her mother’s grave.

This is the first time that he and the dog have visited his mother’s grave together. Jenky’s expressions when meeting his grandmother (his mother) made Thien Khanh extremely touched. According to him: “ As soon as it arrived, it was like a hunch that it ran right to the grave and sat there! I don’t know if it makes any sense? But his eyes are very sad, his tears flow… it makes me sad too. 

The dog kept hanging around, sitting next to his owner's grave.
The dog kept hanging around, sitting next to his owner’s grave.

Sometimes, for some reason, the dog still sheds tears.
Sometimes, for some reason, the dog still sheds tears.

Jenky is really a smart, loyal dog

Contacting Thien Khanh privately, he shared that Jenky is like a true member of his family. He picked up and raised Jenky since she was a baby, maybe Jenky is more than 6 years old now. When his mother was still alive, Jenky was very close to her, whether he was eating or sleeping, he would not leave her half a step.

Jenny is now 6 years older.
Jenny is now 6 years older.

Recalling old memories, Thien Khanh confided: ” Baby (Jenky) has experienced the extremely dangerous Care disease that seemed impossible to save. At that time, he and his mother were afraid that it would die and leave us, so day and night we set up a table in heaven to pray, not leaving the baby for a second because we were afraid that the baby would leave us at any time. Just look at it, hold it and cry .” A long time has passed, however, with Thien Khanh, he never forgot that moment. The whole family accompanied Jenky when he faced death, with a dangerous disease.

The smart dog knows how to "cheat" with the owner.
The smart dog knows how to “cheat” with the owner.

Since his mother passed away, only Jenky is close, always accompanying Thien Khanh. Although it is not known if Jenky really understands what happened to her mother, the dog often behaves strangely. Not only during this visit to the grave, at home, Jenky also often wagged her tail in the middle of the night, or looked up at her mother’s picture, sometimes even looking like she was in tears. The dog has very clear actions and emotions when he realizes that his close owner is no longer next to him like before.

Jenny is like a relative in Thien Khanh's family.
Jenny is like a relative in Thien Khanh’s family.