Unnoticed to Cherished: The Inspiring Journey of a Shelter Dog's Transformation


Unnoticed to Cherished: The Inspiring Journey of a Shelter Dog's Transformation


Violet, a poor dog, found herself in a kill shelter, frightened and starving. She was all alone and her condition was extremely poor. Sadly, due to her illness, it’s highly likely that she would have been euthanized promptly.


Whitney, a dedicated volunteer of I Stand With My Pack, received a distress call regarding a Shar-Pei in need of urgent rescue. She quickly sprang into action to save the dog.

After being rescued from the shelter, Violet was taken straight to the vet. The volunteers were shocked to discover how underweight she was. As per the breed standards, a Shar-Pei should weigh between 40 to 60 pounds, but Violet was only 20 pounds. It broke their hearts to see such an innocent animal suffer. They couldn’t imagine who could be so cruel to do something like this to a helpless creature.


As Violet became increasingly anxious, Whitney tried to soothe her by gently patting her on the back. Whitney was acutely aware of the individual vertebrae in Violet’s spine as she knelt beside her. Violet’s expression confirmed Whitney’s suspicions, and she knew that the young girl had never experienced love before. This moment marked a significant turning point in Violet’s life, and unfortunately, things were about to take a turn for the worse.

When Violet was welcomed into Whitney’s foster home, she learned the importance of having consistent meals and a nurturing mother figure. She also had the opportunity to play with toys and enjoy her own bed, which made Whitney very happy when she saw it for the first time.

In just a few weeks, Violet experienced a significant weight gain and gained new knowledge. She learned how to play with her furry friends and everything that contributes to a happy and energetic pooch. This newfound knowledge sparked her interest in new activities, and everyone around her was delighted to see her transform into a content and healthy puppy. Violet’s transformation is nothing short of a fairy tale, and you can witness it yourself by watching the video below. It’s filled with cute doggie expressions and cheerful moments that will warm your heart. Kudos to rescue organizations and The Dodo for sharing inspiring stories like this.

Meet Violet, a wonderful shelter dog who is waiting for her forever home. Don’t forget to support your local animal rescue organizations and shelters, they rely on our generosity!