The brave dog is not afraid of danger to save the old man


It is Unbelievable what this Wonderful Dog has done.

Did the bli.nd lady []?? And what happened to the dog?

A dog will never [le.ave] its owner no matter how po.or they are. Today, we once again see intelligent and loyal 4-legged friends in the story below.
March 3, 2020, a photo posted on (Fb) that has [sh.oc.ked] many people, is an image of a dog guarding a helpless woman by a muddy riverbank.

We could learn a lot about compassion from animals…


Ake Srisuwan is the one who took and posted this photo, he was [stu.nned] at first by this image and after he got close and focused with his camera he spotted the woman bl.indly and sleeping beside the river, all wet and muddy on her, and the dog with sa.d eyes is protecting her.

He was immediately emotional after realizing what he had witnessed simply.
The local authorities decided to assist the woman and her devoted canine companion, and they were being [tre.ated] at a nearby hos.pital.


The dog is going to have a happier and better life with its owner.
One of the most amazing animals in the world is the dog. They are witty, kind, silly, and fiercely devoted to protecting the people they care about. A genuinely touching moment occurred when the dog saved his owner’s life and remained at her side for the entire ordeal.

Glad the dogs and lady was rescued and pray the 3 off them get a lovely home to stay in

Dogs 🐕 have a lot of love to give especially this str.ay dog.


Animals have more compassion than most people…! 🐕🐾🐾 They love unconditionally, this furbaby is a hero.
We feel like the dog was led to the bl.ind woman the Lord works miracles!

Hope the Lady and the furbabies are in a good place being loved and taken care of!! God bless the granny and the dog have a better life