Rescuer Sought for Brave Mother Dog with Broken Legs, Fighting to Protect Her Beloved Puppies


Rescuer Sought for Brave Mother Dog with Broken Legs, Fighting to Protect Her Beloved Puppies.

In the midst of her own suffering, a mother stray dog displayed an unwavering determination to protect her precious puppies, even with broken legs.


Ahmed Abdelhamid came across the vulnerable mother dog near Mustafa Kamel St. in Egypt, and it was evident that she was in dire straits.

The mother dog had endured multiple severe injuries, including broken legs, fractured teeth, and back pain. Reports revealed that she had given birth to a litter of 10 puppies, but unfortunately, six of them did not survive.


Despite her own pain and hardships, she refused to give up on her remaining four puppies. She relentlessly scoured for food, doing everything within her power to ensure their survival.


Ahmed Abdelhamid, moved by the mother’s resilience, took it upon himself to provide milk, food, and water for the dog and her puppies every day. While he may not possess all the necessary resources to fully nurse them back to health, he is putting forth his utmost effort to assist them in any way he can.


Although the outcome may be uncertain for all of them, Ahmed’s compassionate actions exemplify the kindness and empathy we should all strive to demonstrate.


Let us share their story far and wide, in the hopes that this courageous mother dog and her adorable puppies may find the forever home they so deserve.


Their tale serves as a reminder of the strength and unwavering love found within our animal companions, and it is our collective responsibility to extend a helping hand whenever possible.

Dear dog lovers,

I would like to sincerely thank you all for your unwavering love and passion for these adorable puppies. The moments of warmth and joy that dogs bring into our lives are immeasurable.

Your willingness and concern for injured or needy dogs has had great effects. Small actions like rescuing, caring for and giving them a loving home not only change the lives of dogs, but also spread kindness and humanity in the community.

With hearts full of love, you have helped the dogs regain hope and faith in life. Your bravery and respectability inspires us and everyone around us.

Please continue to spread love and care with these venerable four-legged friends. Every small action you take can make a big difference.

Once again, thank you very much for your unconditional love and compassion for these friends.