Malnourished, Dermatitis-Stricken, and Neglected: His Matted and Dirty Fur


Malnourished, Dermatitis-Stricken, and Neglected: His Matted and Dirty Fur


This is Rocky! He is a young puppy, only about 3 years old, living on the streets. The world is a scary place for Rocky, as there is nothing to protect him from the rain or the sun. Rocky is sad and lonely, and his condition is heartbreaking. He is malnourished, has dermatitis, and his fur is matted and dirty. Rocky is a gentle and friendly boy, but his life has been tough, and he deserves to be loved and cherished.

Luckily, a group of kind-hearted individuals approached Rocky and took him to the vet. At first, Rocky was scared, but then he agreed to follow them. He was given medicine and treatment every day. The team was determined to help Rocky, and he was given a chance at a better life.

Rocky is improving every day, and he is doing a lot better than the first day they met him. He has gained 3 kg, and his fur is becoming shiny and healthy. Rocky is starting to trust humans and is slowly coming out of his shell. The team is delighted with his progress, and they are committed to helping him recover fully.

Finally, the day came for Rocky to leave the clinic. The team was sad to see him go, but they knew he was ready for his next chapter. Rocky was adopted by a kind owner who was willing to give him the love and care he deserves.

Four months later, Rocky is a different dog. He is a great boy who is having fun and is happy. He has come a long way since the day he was found on the streets. Rocky’s resilience and strength have been a source of inspiration to everyone who has met him. He is proof that with love and care, anything is possible.

Congratulations Rocky – Our angel has a warm life with his wonderful foster parents. We are thrilled that he is finally in a loving home and that he is thriving. Thank you for supporting Rocky. Your contribution has made a world of difference to this little dog’s life.