"Heroic Dogs Guide Rescuers to Suspected Burial Site of Fellow Canines in Earthquake"


Dogs lead rescuers to the area where other dogs are suspected to have been buried in the earthquake . video

A dog trapped beneath the rubble of a home destroyed by Italy’s most recent powerful earthquake was found in time to be saved – thanks in large part to a fellow canine who is on hand assisting firefighters in the rescue effort.

On Monday evening, crews were looking for survivors in the ruins of homes in the village of Norcia, near the epicenter of Sunday’s 6.6 magnitude quake, when their sniffer dog guided them to the spot where the pet lay almost totally buried. Only his paws and muzzle had been left uncovered by the debris, allowing him to breathe during his hours-long ordeal.

Firefighters quickly set about freeing the trapped dog, as seen in this dramatic video of the rescue.

Incredibly, despite the circumstances, the dog showed no signs of serious injury. He was able to stand on his own shortly after being freed.

He’s since been given the name Ulysses by his rescuers; local media have also dubbed him “the miracle dog.”

Veterinarians from Italy’s national animal protection agency, ENPA, reaffirm that Ulysses is in good health. He isn’t microchipped, but they are confident he will be reunited with his family.

Firefighters and the canines assisting them are still scouring the rubble, but fortunately there have been no deaths reported since the quake struck. ENPA, meanwhile, is on the ground too, to help find and care for pets displaced by the recent disaster.