Heart-Melting Charm: Shelter Dog's Remarkable Trick Captivates All


Heart-Melting Charm: Shelter Dog's Remarkable Trick Captivates All


Meet Athena, an adorable puppy who was saved from the streets and has a quirky way of catching everyone’s attention. This six-year-old German shepherd holds her food bowl and gazes at people with her innocent puppy eyes, making them instantly fall in love with her. Athena was found by some kind construction workers in Texas on her way to work last September and she has been melting hearts ever since.


In order to gain the trust of a sickly animal, they provided it with food and water. The rescued dog then put on a stunning display of tricks. Unable to provide all the necessary care themselves, they reached out to the Be Intentional animal rescue for assistance.

Without hesitation, the rescue center quickly acted upon receiving the call about the abandoned animal and immediately went to the site to provide assistance. The team brought the poor creature to a veterinarian who conducted several tests, and unfortunately, one of the results showed a bleak outlook for Athena. According to Be Intentional CEO Christie Kasko, the veterinarian diagnosed Athena with numerous infections, including parasites. The worst of them was an extreme case of sarcoptic mange, which the vet claimed was one of the most severe he had ever encountered.


Despite facing challenges, the only thing that brought Athena joy was to receive hugs and love from others. She was a charming puppy who captured the hearts of everyone at the veterinary hospital due to her warm and affectionate personality.

While recovering in the shelter and receiving medical care for her ailments, Athena picked up a trick to get what she wanted. Every time one of her caretakers walked by with food, she would hold her dish and make a pitiful face, which resulted in receiving plenty of attention and special treats.

This endearing behavior of Athena’s was impossible to resist, especially given all that she had been through. Christie, one of the employees at the shelter, remarked, “She receives a lot of food and attention already, but holding her bowl with her cute face brings in even more hugs.”

Be Intentional partnered with Sauver Des Chiens German Shepherd Dog Rescue to achieve their objective of locating a foster family for Athena. They aimed to place her in such an environment to help her settle into her new life and make a full recovery. Athena’s gradual recuperation had brought back her faith in others, and she was adapting exceptionally well to her new lifestyle.

According to Karen Blanchard, who works as a volunteer for Sauver Des Chiens, Athena will be treated like a queen. She will have an orthopedic bed, an open cage, and numerous bowls at her disposal. Presently, Athena is living with her foster parents, and she is enjoying her stay there. Her caregivers are training her so that she may find a new family in the future.