Cheerful Delights: 25 Captivating Baby Photos with Infectious Smiles to Brighten Your Day!


Cheerful Delights: 25 Captivating Baby Photos with Infectious Smiles to Brighten Your Day!

Here are some adorable baby photos as we celebrate Mothers all over the world!

Some of the cutest babies in the world

Baby smiles galore! Look at their gorgeous faces. How can they not make your week? Did you know a toddler can smile up to 400 times a day? With so much love and support to bask in, we think they have the right idea! As we enter January,  we all need a little extra joy, so we’re posting cute photos of babies enrolled in our Child Survival Interventions for us to appreciate.

Baby Aysllan from Brazil

Baby Aysllan from Brazil

So let’s celebrate the universal sign of happiness, spread some joy, flex those facial muscles and get ready to say cheese with these adorable baby smiles!

The cutest smiling babies

Compassion helps some of the most vulnerable babies in the world’s poorest communities to survive and thrive. We definitely think some of these little ones could actually win an award for the cutest baby in the world!

Giggling baby Shaden from Colombia

Giggling baby Shaden from Colombia

Does this smile look cute on me?

Smiling baby Leonardo from Mexico

Smiling baby Leonardo from Mexico

Or how about this one?

A smiling baby with his mum in the Philippines.

A smiling baby with his mum in the Philippines.

A gorgeous smile is all in the eyes.

Happy baby Jeremy who lives in Honduras.

Happy baby Jeremy who lives in Honduras.

The face you pull when you’re dreaming of warmer weather.

Beautiful sleepy smiles from baby Christine.

Beautiful sleepy smiles from baby Christine.

Here’s Christine, safe in her dad Edward’s arms just hours after she was born.

“I feel amazingly blessed,” Edward explains. “When we joined the Child Survival project it helped us so much by relieving some of the burdens in our family and helping our baby. Compassion has taken care of all the bills at the hospital. I was only left with the responsibility of taking care of home. I am so grateful to God for granting us the blessings of receiving all these blessings. The staff members have helped so much. I’m so grateful to God!”

Funny baby images

Kids pull the funniest of faces. Which is your favourite funny baby face?

A baby playing with toys at his local church in Ghana.

A baby playing with toys at his local church in Ghana.

“Ahh not long now before spring returns!”

Baby Akim who lives in the Philippines.

Baby Akim who lives in the Philippines.

Yum! Tasty toes!

A baby playing with her toes in Mexico.

A baby playing with her toes in Mexico.

The face you pull when you remember it’s still technically winter.

Baby Borna who lives in Bangladesh.

Baby Borna who lives in Bangladesh.

Hands up if you’re ready for spring now.

A smiling baby recieveing their medical check up.

A smiling baby recieveing their medical check up.

Here, smiling baby Luis from the Dominican Republic gets measured as part of his medical checks offered by Child Survival Interventions.

Peaceful sleeping babies

These pictures of cute newborn babies sleeping are taken from our projects in Haiti, Bolivia, Ghana and Uganda. Once they’re older, these babies will be registered into our Child Sponsorship programme where they’ll be empowered to break free from poverty.

Sponsor a child

A beautiful sleeping baby boy who lives in Haiti.

A beautiful sleeping baby boy who lives in Haiti.

Getting through the cold season …

A baby asleep on a blanket in Peru. A baby asleep on a blanket in Peru.

It’s always the perfect time for extra naps.

A baby wrapped in a colourful blanket, wearing a knitted hat.

A baby wrapped in a colourful blanket, wearing a knitted hat.

When your alarm goes off, but your bed is too cosy to move.

A baby asleep in their mothers arms in Uganda.

A baby asleep in their mothers arms in Uganda.

“I love this baby, I have so much love for her,” shares Mama Kate, reflecting on the birth of her precious daughter, Pamela Grace. “The project staff have been regularly visiting us and Pamela and I have also been walking over there to the church. It is such a wonderful feeling to have their support, especially as I’m a single mother.”

Laughing babies Mean Baby Smiles

These lovely baby faces are a sign of healthy and happy kids!

Laughing baby wearing a blue knitted hat.

Laughing baby wearing a blue knitted hat.

Sometimes we all need a little love to carry us through chilly weather.

A sweet smiling toddler with brown curly hair.

A sweet smiling toddler with brown curly hair.

Starting off the year with the sweetest curls.

Happy baby wearing an orange t-shirt.

Happy baby wearing an orange t-shirt.

The face you pull when you’re dreaming of warmer weather.

Baby Nathan in Tanzania playing with toys at his local church.

Baby Nathan in Tanzania playing with toys at his local church.

We love the way this little cutie, Nathan, from Tanzania rocks his winter look.

Baby Melanie from El Salvador.

Baby Melanie from El Salvador.

Baby Melanie can’t help but laugh with her mum Amparito.

Baby besties

Friendship is precious, no matter what age. Compassion Survival Interventions give mums and babies the opportunity to create community and nurture friendships. The result? These happy baby faces:

A mum and baby outside the local church.

A mum and baby outside the local church.

With a best friend by your side, there’s always a reason to smile.

Baby Mikyas playing with mum.

Baby Mikyas playing with mum.

When you’re going on a road trip with your bestie …

Baby twins Isaac and Marcos from Peru.

Baby twins Isaac and Marcos from Peru.

These beautiful little ones from Peru love dressing up!

For babies born into poverty, the first 1,000 days of life are critical to survival. These gorgeous babies with their adorable smiles are from some of the 25 countries where we’re working to change children’s lives for the better. Our Child Survival interventions keep mums safe during their pregnancy by providing pre-natal and post-natal care, including check-ups, vaccinations and the presence of a medical professional during childbirth. What’s more, our interventions programme helps babies reach their first birthday by ensuring precious children receive immunisations, vitamins, nutritional supplements and growth checks. 

Thanks to our Child Survival Interventions, you can partner with us as we enable little ones to not only survive, but thrive.