After the Storm : The dog was happily reunited with its family


Bruce and Ona Dunlap’s cable went out just as the Friday night news was warning of an EF2 tornado.

Of check what was going on, Bruce unlocked the door to their Logan County, Arkansas, house. “When he walked outside, he said to Ona, ‘It’s terrible quiet outdoors and there’s no breeze – there’s nothing out here,’” Julie Moore, the couple’s good friend, told The Dodo. “She said, ‘Yes, there is.’

A close friend of the couple, Julie Moore, told The Dodo. “She said, ‘Yes, there is.’ ‘Run to the storm shelter right now.’

<p>They had no idea that the house would be gone in minutes.

The couple started to work immediately. Ona rushed to their housemate’s room to assist the wheelchair-bound guy into the storm shelter. Bruce, on the other hand, was looking for the couple’s four cats and two dogs.

Ladybug, one of their cats, had gone missing, and their dog Dasha refused to go outdoors. Bruce had no choice but to leave them behind.

“Dasha noticed something wasn’t right, so she walked to the kitchen and laid down,” Moore explained. “Bruce was at a loss about what to do… by the time he arrived inside the storm shelter, he could barely close the door.”

When the storm hit, it ripped the roof off the Dunlaps’ house and strewn debris and possessions all over the place. They couldn’t determine whether section of the home was still standing when they eventually emerged from the shelter because it was so dark.

The Dunlaps and a few friends were inspecting the damage the next day when a fluffy face appeared from the ruins. “Why did y’all wait so long?” Dasha said as she ran out. Moore remarked. “Ona simply grasped her fur and her face and began talking to her, saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ ‘We’ve arrived.’

Moore retrieved her phone from her pocket and took a couple photos of the emotional reunion. “[Ona] speaks to her as if she is a human, and Dasha responds as if she is a person – they kiss,” Moore said. 

Ona and Bruce were happy to see Dasha again, but one member of their family still missing: Ladybug, their cat.

Then a miracle occurred: the cat returned to her mother. Moore described her as “wet, chilly, and trembling.” “Ona just grabbed her and began ripping the sheetrock out of her fur, hugging and hugging her.”

“When they got both of them and she was holding them,” Moore continued, “Bruce remarked, ‘There’s your babies.’”

The Dunlaps still have a long way to go before they can re-establish their family, but they are grateful that everyone made it through the night. Fortunately, the Dunlaps have the support of their neighbors, who are pulling together to help them in any way they can.

The tornado took a lot of stuff, but what counts is that they still have each other.