"A Heartbreaking Display of Loyalty: Emotional Image of a Dog's Desperate Attempts to Revive His Injured Companion"


"A Heartbreaking Display of Loyalty: Emotional Image of a Dog's Desperate Attempts to Revive His Injured Companion"


El husky marrón, que yacía en medio de la carretera, fue asesinado por un automóvil que pasaba en la provincia de Zhejiang el 17 de abril.

El perro color crema pateó desesperadamente y ladró tristemente a su amigo muerto hasta que el suyo propio vino a recogerlos.

Según un informe de Huanqui.com, una filial de People’s Daily Online, el desafortunado incidente tuvo lugar ayer en el pueblo de Nianli de la ciudad de Quzhou.

Se puede ver al husky tendido inmóvil en el camino, mientras su amigo de color crema vigiló el cuerpo durante al menos media hora.

El perro de color crema pateó desesperadamente el cadáver sin vida del husky en un esfuerzo por resucitarlo.


Aproximadamente media hora después, apareció una mujer vestida de negro y llamó al husky por su nombre.

Un policía de guardia le preguntó: ‘¿Eres la dueña de los perros?’ ‘Claro’, dijo ella.

El perro de color crema siguió a su amigo muerto cuando el dueño lo llevó al costado del camino y pidió ayuda.

Dear dog lovers,

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my sincerest and deepest thanks to the special friends, sensitive souls and warm hearts who have given love and care to our four-legged friends. . The love and compassion you give your dog not only creates a good environment for them, but also spreads to the surrounding community.

Dog lovers always understand that dogs are not just a pet, but a close member of the family. You have given them unconditional care, love and sharing. You have enabled them to live a happy and peaceful life, giving them joy and consolation.

Through the way you treat dogs, you inspire and encourage others to create a more humane society. You have defended and defended the rights of dogs, and contributed to increasing awareness of racial responsibility and animal protection.

Whether it's taking care of them, taking them for a walk, creating conditions for them to enjoy a good life, or simply spending time playing with them, every action you take counts. Dogs can't thank you, but I'm sure they feel the love and care you give them.

So again, a big thank you, dog lovers, for the borderless love and care you have for these four-legged friends. Please continue to spread this love and inspire others to build a better world for dogs and all animals.